Wednesday, September 9, 2009

when the egg gets scrambled

Well -- this blog is not for those who look to live in regret or for those who have not ventured out yet.It is really for those of us that have lived a little, messed up a little, learned, hopefully, more than a little and in the end play the hand we are dealt.

When I was younger ( under 20), I had a dear friend tell me that there will be many events in that will happen in life that we will have little control over. Then again, there will be events where we make choices that later we will wish to rewind. In either case, since time travel is not available and life is too short to spend time regreting, we have a choice -- regret or go forward. My Mom has a great saying "there is a reason why God put your face in the front." And my dear friend, he said "Once the egg is scrambled, learn to make the best scrambled eggs."

This blog is to share with you how I learned to make scrambled eggs. I hope it provides some humor, insight and community to all of us that have lived a little, learned a lot and want to go on and go forward.

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