Saturday, September 12, 2009

so much for daily

The last few days have been a blur. Getting kids back on routine, getting myself back on routine and for some reason just getting through the day these last few days have been a challenge. We are getting ready to downsize.
20 years ago, I was told by several friends while I was pregnant with my first child that the time will go by so fast. I thought they were nutts. Time, did not seem to fly by. Lynn , my firstborn was two weeks overdue, Ry, my second was content to stay in utero for life. I had three inductions and he was over three weeks late and then we lived with colic for 6months . By the time Steve showed up, I scheduled deliver and had them triple load me with pitosin. He arrived on schedule. I had help lined up and for the first time, I enjoyed the socks off the first few months of being a mom.
From there, the first few years where slow, very manual, almost like my own version of "Ground Hog day". But, suddenly, it feels like I hit the fast forward button on the VCR of life and I am coming very quickly to the end of volume one -- I just hope I get an intermission before I load in the next tape. Now, to be fair, I have one college age kid, one boy who is a senior this year and my youngest who just started in his sophmore year. So it is not like the house will be vacant tomorrow but for some reason it starting to feel that way. My step children have all moved out or are living with their mom so we have shrunk from the family of 8 to the family of 4.

I remember being out the door when I was 17. I couldn't wait. My oldest step daughter was completely packed up in both our home and her mom's home by 3:00p.m. on her 18th birthday. But somehow, I am not in any hurry for my children to move out and move on. Well, actually, my middle son could move out. He is a tough one to live with but I would still miss him. He moves in with his Father in October to finish his senior year.

I am officially entering transition -- and because I can't seem to do anything without intensity, I am transitioning careers, home, and into empty nester.

So, with that, I am cleaning out closets, donating stuffed animals and finding clothes shoved under beds and in drawers that haven't fit any of my kids in at least 5 years. Not sure what that says for my housekeeping. I love craigslist for this. Today I put in three ads -- I had 50 emails in my inbox within 5 minutes of hitting submit. I gave away my entire scrapbooking,cardmaking inventory -- it felt like the basement sales you can read or even watch on TV. Women were calling ever two minures, emails flying in, several scrappers raced up my driveway and they went clawing after stacks of card packs, ribbons hole punchers, glue guns and beads. I should have videoed it. Needless to say I was completely out of inventory within 1 hour of posting the ad. And I learned, never leave your home number in an ad -- or in your standard signature in your email. And more importantly, people that make scrapbooks and cards can pretty much kick my butt and probably just about anyone elses to get the goods.

I have a trampoline and a gas grill ad that is just about to go in. Let's see how the jumping grilling set match up to the scrappers.

talk to you soon

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